1. Be a member in good standing of the Museum
  2. Devote time, energy and enthusiasm to the Museum with a minimum of six hours a  month.
  3. There are many ways to volunteer at the Museum
  4. Floor, Desk, Education Tours, Work Crews, Receptions, and Computer related  activities, etc.
  5. Investigate  them all – find your niche(s)
  6. Continue  to study and build your knowledge base of the collection
  7. Start  working as soon as you graduate.
    1. Know the collection and plan the flow your tour will take
    2. But be flexible because the guest may have specific things they  want to see other than your planned tour
  8. Always  be punctual for shifts and meetings
  9. Always wear your badge when working in the Museum
  10. Find  a substitute docent if you can’t make your shift. (red book)
    1. When you have a replacement let your Day Captain know
    2. If you cannot find a replacement, call your Day Captain for help
  11. Attend  monthly docent meetings (third Wednesday of every month)
  12. Be professionally attired.  We do not have a uniform per se but there  are certain standards to be maintained
    1. Clothes are to be clean, neat and well pressed
    2. No hats
    3. No shirts with logos other than the museum
    4. No shorts or beach attire
  13. Sign in with your docent hours
  14. Remember that you are a representative to the Museum
  15. There is to be a docent on the floor whenever there are guests in the Museum
  16. This is important even if the guests do not want a guided tour
  17. This is also important when there are too many guests in the Museum to give  guided tours.
  18. We  are there to protect the collection
  19. There  is to be a docent at the desk at all times
  20. All docents sitting at the front desk area are to give their full attention to  guests as they enter the museum
  21. Do not allow guests on the upper deck if there is no docent present on that floor
  22. Use  our “Red Book” for Museum use only
  23. Voices  carry in the Museum
  24. Moderate  your voice when giving a tour
  25. Private  conversations between docents can be distracting to guests
  26. Use  your many skills where possible to help out in the Museum
  27. Know   the leadership and day captains so that you are included in Museum events  and schedules