Now that you’ve finished your extensive training, you are entitled to know what we’d like you to do with it! The following is a minimal list. We hope as you get involved you will choose to do more in many of our auxiliary areas.
- Please sign up for one three-hour shift per month on the desk or floor. Our primary job is keeping the Museum open from:
- Monday: 10am – 4pm
- Tuesday & Wednesday: Group Tours & Private Member Events
- Thursday: 10am – 4pm
- Friday: 10am – 4pm
- Saturday: 10am – 4pm
- Sunday: 12pm – 4pm
- for which we need a minimum of 46 volunteers every week, and more.
- Show up on time (or 15 minutes early) for your shift, dressed appropriately
- In the event you have a scheduling conflict start trying to resolve it as far in advance of the date as possible. There are two ways to find a replacement:
- A – check the “red book” for those in the position you need to fill and call them and ask to switch dates, or just fill in for you. When you’ve got your replacement notify your Day Captain immediately so they can adjust the schedule.
- B – If the above fails, call your Day Captain and ask for their help. Some Captains have a standard replacement list of people who will work. You might want to ask for a copy of those names. As you gain more experience you may have your own “secret” list of helpful people, and it might be wise to get on their list also. All of our operations rely on the willingness to help others.
- Start working as soon as you graduate. You have skills that need to be used and reinforced or you will lose them. Say “yes” when someone asks you to sub, it will be good for you (and you’ll get to know some very swift people in the process)
- Always wear your badge when working in the Museum. It makes you look professional (and helps old-timers learn your name)
- Look into other Museum jobs that interest you. Audit an Education Program (you’ll get hooked!) Volunteer to go on an Outreach program at another location (Boat Show, Celebration of the Whales, Earth Day). It’s easy and again, you’ll get to know some of our wonderful members AND publicize the Museum at the same time. In addition, you can get involved in our receptions, gift shop, web site, library, etc. Look at this list for further ideas and which Crew Leader. you would like to contact Think about bringing munchies for the monthly Volunteer Meetings. OR dream up your own wonderful adjunct to the Museum and propose it at a meeting…we all love new ideas.
- Most importantly, GET INVOLVED. It’s satisfying, fun and you’ll get back more than you ever put in.